I'm Shane Duquette, the founder, writer, and illustrator for Bony to Beastly, Bony to Bombshell, and Outlift. I'm a Certified Conditioning Coach (CCC) with a design degree from York University in Toronto, Canada. I also have a diploma from Sheridan College. I live in Cancun with my wife and son.
My wife, Cassandra Duquette, is a certified nutritionist in Ontario, Canada. She bulked up in her mid-twenties, gaining 20 pounds. She's happily maintained those gains ever since. She was born in Cancun, studied nutrition in Mexico City, and then moved to Toronto to finish her studies. We met in Toronto and lived there together for 5 years. After we got married, we moved to Cancun.
We have a young son and recently adopted an underweight stray dog. She isn't underweight anymore.
Shane's Experience Helping Skinny Guys Build Muscle
This all started in 2010, when I began blogging about my attempts at bulking up on my graphic design blog. You can read the full story of my muscle-building transformation here.
I was severely underweight, with a BMI under 17. People saw this skinny graphic designer gradually bulking up, and they found it relatable. I didn't know what I was talking about, but they could feel that it was real. Soon, other skinny guys started asking me for help.
From 2010 to 2012, I coached a few dozen skinny clients online, helping them build muscle. I did it for free, for fun, in my spare time. My day job was building websites for musicians and brands for startups.
I gradually assembled my bulking advice into a short guide I gave out to new clients. That guide produced great results, and I soon became known for helping naturally thin guys bulk up.
In 2012, I partnered with Marco Walker-Ng, a strength coach and personal training specialist (PTS) with a degree in Health Sciences from the University of Ottawa (BHSc).
Shane's Books & Articles
I've written three books. The first two, Bony to Beastly and Bony to Bombshell, are bulking programs for skinny people:
The third book, Outlift, is a hypertrophy training program for intermediate lifters. It goes into deeper detail about how to customize your workout program, choose your lifts, and optimize your training and lifestyle for muscle growth.
I'm the editor of Bony to Beastly, Bony to Bombshell, and Outlift. Some of my more popular articles include:
- The Lean Bulking Guide
- The Aggressive Bulking Guide
- The Newbie Gains Guide
- The Skinny-Fat Guide
- The Cutting Guide
- Why It's So Hard to Gain Weight
- How to Eat More Calories
- The Bulking Diet Guide
- How to Build An Attractive Physique
- The Progressive Overload Guide
- The Hypertrophy Training Guide
I've also been featured on: